The chairs of the 13th conference of SUITMA (Soils of Urban, Industrial, Traffic, Mining and Military Areas), commission of the IUSS  (International Union of Soil Science), on behalf of the Research Institute on Terrestrial Ecosystems (IRET) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR) are pleased to invite you to participate to the conference, that will be held

5-9 October 2025, CNR Pisa, Italy

Francesca Bretzel
Francesca Vannucchi

The Conference will focus on “SUITMA from a One Health Perspective”.

Soil is a key component of the water and nutrient cycle, and a major contributor to global carbon sequestration. Soil also provides habitats for nearly all land plants, as well as a large proportion of terrestrial fauna. Despite its global importance, it is estimated that one third of global soil is degraded. In anthropized areas, soils undergo many forms of disturbance: manipulation, compaction, and pollution which impact their quality. However, even degraded soils have the potential to alleviate environmental problems and play a vital role in supporting vegetation. Degraded soils of urban areas and other anthropogenic lands merit scientific and professional attention in order to enhance their ecosystem services and to support nature- based solutions, to tackle the urgent challenges of climate change, and for the health of all organisms and ecosystems.


  1. SUITMAs as sinks and source of pollutants – Keywords: geochemical cycles, urban food production.
  2. SUITMAs to conserve and improve soil quality and biodiversity – Keywords: soil remediation, soil biology, bioindicators of soil quality and functionality, genomics.
  3. SUITMA improvers and ecosystem services – Keywords: waste materials for soil construction, compost, rubble, mine waste, Technosols.
  4. SUITMA challenges for the future – Keywords: pedology, Anthropocene, war contamination, emerging contaminants.


Soil contamination by trace elements in the food chain:  experiences in different mining and urban scenarios

Paula Medejon Rodriguez, IRNAS-CSIC, Spain

Effects of climate change on soil biodiversity

Carlos García Izquierdo, CSIC, Spain

Waste materials as resources for soil construction

Christina Siebe, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

The shocking impact of warfare on the soil

Giacomo Certini, Università di Firenze, Italy


Call for abstract – opening (max 350 words, oral or poster, topic 1-4)3 March 2025
Abstract submission deadline2 May 2025
Abstract acceptance31 May 2025
Deadline for early bird registration10 June 2025

Send Registration Form and Abstract to: suitma13@cnr.it

The abstract template is available here (max 350 words, 6 keywords). The fee includes two abstracts per person. Please indicate your preference (oral/poster and topic) in the e-mail text.

The registration form will be available ASAP.

The book of abstracts will be downloadable during the conference with QR code, no conference proceedings will be published.

Participants will have the opportunity to submit the full paper to two Springer Special Issues of Journal of Soils and Sediments and Biology and Fertility of soils. Deadlines and author guidelines will be provided by the journals after the conference.


FeesEarly BirdRegistration after 15 May
Accompanying Person150,00€200,00€
Soil and Art seminar25,00€
Visit day one/ Visit day two80,00/120,00€ approximate price

* Students enrolled in Master, Bachelor’s Degree or PhD –certification must be provided
The fee includes conference participation, social dinner, coffee breaks and lunches during sessions.

Confirmation of visits depends on the number of participants.
Registration can be paid by Credit Card or Bank Transfer (details to be defined).

PROGRAM (under definition)

h 15.00 Soil&Art field seminar by Gerd Wessolek (max 20 participants)
h 18.00 Ice breaker
Cittadella Galileiana, Pisa
h 9.00-17.30 Conference and registration
h 18.00 Guided tour (to be defined)
CNR, Pisa
h 9.00-17.30 Conference and registration
19.30 Social dinner
CNR, Pisa
Location to be defined
One day visit Calci (Pisa)Azienda San Vito, wine producer partner of the Recrop project “Bioinocula and CROPping systems: an integrated biotechnological approach for improving crop yield, biodiversity and REsilience of Mediterranean agro-ecosystems”; visit to the Carthusian Monastery in Calci which also hosts a Natural History Museum, Tasting of local products (wine and olive oil).
One day visit PratoVisit to the Prato Urban Jungle project and “Cost-effective solutions in Urban Soil Management” on mitigating the environmental impact of soil sealing by repurposing the recovered asphalt into desealed urban soils, coordinated by the University of Florence.

Post-conference trip 10 -12 October (tentative program Southern Tuscany: Merse-Montieri mining area, Pitigliano-Europomice Extraction of tephra, Campiglia Marittima –geo-mining park) (to be confirmed depending on the number of participants).



Kye-Hoon Kim (John Kim) – University of Seoul, Corea

Przemysław Charzyński – Nicolaus Copernicus University Toruń, Poland

Wolfgang Burghardt – Universität Duisburg, Germany

Jean Louis Morel – University of Lorraine, France

Anna Paltseva, Purdue University, USA

Remigio Paradelo Nuñez – Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Thomas Nehls – Technische Universität Berlin, Germany

Björn Kluge – Technische Universität Berlin, Germany

Christophe Schwartz – Université de Lorraine, France

Geoffroy Séré- Université de Lorraine, France

Laure Vidal-Beaudet- Institut Agro Rennes-Angers, France

Liliane Jean-Soro – Université Gustave Eiffel, France

Beatrice Bechet – Université Gustave Eiffel, France

Cecilé Le Guern – French Geological Survey, France

Manhattan Lebrun – Université d’Orléans, France

Christina Siebe – Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico

Luke Beesley –University of Salford, UK

Ali Boularbah- Université Cadi-Ayyad, Morocco

Viacheslav Vasenev – Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands

Rongliang Qiu – Sun Yat-sen University Canton, China

Yetao Tang – Sun Yat-sen University Canton, China

Kawahigashi Masayuki – Tokio Metropolitan University, Japan

Edoardo Costantini – IUSS, Italy

Romina Lorenzetti –Italian National Research Council, Italy

Eliana Lanfranca Tassi – Italian National Research Council, Italy

Beatrice Pezzarossa – Italian National Research Council, Italy

Gianni Petruzzelli – Italian National Research Council, Italy

Roberto Pini- Italian National Research Council, Italy

Grazia Masciandaro – Italian National Research Council, Italy

Francesca Vannucchi- Italian National Research Council, Italy

Francesca Bretzel- Italian National Research Council, Italy

Elio Padoan-University of Turin, Italy

Antonio Ferrante-Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Italy

Sonia Cacini-CREA, Italy


Alessandra Bartolini

Meri Barbafieri

Serena Doni

Cristina Macci

Eleonora Peruzzi

Chiara Falchi

Brunella Falchi

Silvia Traversari

Bianca Rompato

Gianni Mastrolonardo

Giuseppe Picca

Lorenzo Gardin

Irene Rosellini


The Research Area of Pisa is the largest research area of CNR. It covers more than 10 hectares and hosts 13 CNR Institutes as well as a medical centre for research in cardiology and respiratory medicine, university and private companies’ units sharing central services for technical, logistic, ICT and security issues. More than 1500 people are employed in the Area, involved in research activities oriented to Environment and Green Chemistry, Life Science, and ICT.

Area della Ricerca del CNR via G. Moruzzi 1 56124 Pisa, Italy



Pisa has an international airport with daily flights from/to London, Paris, Bruxelles and other European cities, as well as from/to Rome, Milan, and other Italian cities. The flight timetable of is available on the Pisa International Airport website (Galileo Galilei Airport, PSA). https://www.pisa-airport.com/en/

The airport is 6 km far from Research Area of Pisa. The “People Mover” train, closed to the Pisa Airport Terminal, daily links the Airport to Pisa Railway Station, with a ride every 5/8 minutes (6:00 am to 12:00 pm). https://www.pisa-airport.com/en/the-passengers/transport/people-mover.html. At the Railway Station you can take the bus LAM Verde (L/V) (direction Via di Pratale) to get off at the stop Volpi CNR. Tickets are on sale outside the railway station. Taxi service is also available.


The railway station is about 5 km far from Research Area of Pisa and it is located on the main line from Turin to Rome. There is also a train service to/from Florence. Trenitalia provides a train schedule and booking service at the following link https://www.trenitalia.com/en.html. At the Railway Station you can take the bus LAM Verde (L/V) (direction Via di Pratale) to get off at the stop Volpi CNR. Tickets are on sale outside the railway station. Taxi service is also available.


Pisa is near two highways: A12 north-south (Exit Pisa centro) and A11 east-west (Exit Lucca est – Pisa Nord). More Information are available on https://www.autostrade.it/en/home


When booking at the following hotels, mention the discount code SUITMA13: Hotel Duomo, Hotel Vittoria, Hotel Leonardo, Hotel Repubblica Marinara, Hotel Verdi


Pisa boasts a thousand-year history which reached its peak at the Middle Age, time of the Maritime Republics, a period that created the centre of the city as an artistic treasure trove with outstanding Romanesque and Gothic churches. Pisa and its uniquely beautiful Piazza del Duomo, a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1987, is visited by millions of people from all over the world every year. The nature surrounds the city, especially with the Natural Park of Migliarino, San Rossore and Massaciuccoli, which extends over 23000 ha and 30 km of coastline. In the park we can find the largest pine forest in Europe, meadows, holm oak woods, reeds, wetlands, and dunes, to be discovered on foot or by bicycle. Marina di Pisa is the nearest seaside following the river Arno less than 20 minutes’ drive.

Pisa is easily reachable by plane: it has very good connections, hosting the main airport in Tuscany and the first in Italy for passenger traffic. The airport is located just a few km from the city centre.